

Commencement of the Amendment Regulation – Firearms and Ammunition (Declaration of Arms) (Amendment) Regulation 2021

Firearms and Ammunition (Declaration of Arms) (Amendment) Regulation 2021 (hereinafter referred to as “the Amendment Regulation”) has taken effect on 1 November 2021. Upon commencement of the Amendment Regulation, specific firearm component parts, i.e. barrel, chamber, cylinder, a frame, body, receiver, a breech block, bolt or other mechanism for containing the pressure of discharge at the rear of a chamber, will be within the definition of “arms” under the Firearms and Ammunition Ordinance (Cap. 238).

A person who contravenes the offence of “Possession of Arms or Ammunition without Licence” under the Firearms and Ammunition Ordinance, shall be liable on conviction upon indictment to a fine at level 6 (i.e. $100,000) and to imprisonment for 14 years.

For application of licence for possession of firearms, please visit the webpage of Police Licensing Office.

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