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“Hong Kong Taxi Drivers ‘Spot and Report’ Campaign”
The Inter-departmental Counter Terrorism Unit (ICTU) launched a territory-wide publicity drive for the “Hong Kong Taxi Drivers ‘Spot and Report’ Campaign” today (August 1).
Driving around different districts in Hong Kong every day, taxi drivers come into contact with a wide range of people and activities, and may even come across terrorism and violence related, or other crime information. It reflects that the taxi sector plays an important role as a gatekeeper of the safety of the community.
In view of this, the taxi sector is ICTU’s key engagement target and ICTU has reached out to over 40 major taxi associations and companies in Hong Kong. While introducing to them the Campaign, ICTU also promoted counter-terrorism (CT) and anti-crime information including how to identify suspicious persons, objects or activities and encouraged members of the sector to report such information in a timely manner.
An opening ceremony for the “Hong Kong Taxi Drivers ‘Spot and Report’ Campaign” was held at West Kowloon Government Offices on July 25. It was officiated by the Head of ICTU, Senior Superintendent Mr Leung Wai-ki Peter, with active support from the representatives of taxi associations. Following the ceremony, ICTU delivered a briefing at TD’s Taxi Trade Conference to enhance the sector’s CT and anti-crime awareness as well as their emergency response capabilities.
In the future, ICTU will continue to work with the taxi sector in disseminating important CT and anti-crime messages to taxi drivers and sector representatives through various promotional campaigns. ICTU will join hands with taxi drivers and the sector in combatting terrorism and building a safe community.